Ticol Tcl - Code Examples

Code on this page has been statically highlighted by Ticol

Print "Hello world"
puts "Hello world"
Define a procedure. Store the name in variable s and call by dereferencing s
 proc foo {} {puts Hello}
 set s foo
More advanced Hello world by storing the command in q and expanding using the {*} operator
set q "puts {Hello world}"
Hello world as a CGI web application
puts "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"
puts "Hello world"
Loop iterate variable i from 0 to 9 and print out
Shows the use of: option expression
which modifes how flow-control commands handle arguments
option expression off
for {set i 0} {< $i 10} {incr i} {
	puts "i is $i"
	++ i
option expression on
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
	puts "i is $i"
	++ i
The [foreach] command may often be more useful than [for]
set l {a b c d e f}
foreach {x y} $l {
    puts  "Multiple variables may be processed $x $y"
Multiple commands on one line
set a 22;set b 7.0;set p [expr $a/$b];puts "Pi is $p"
Example of multi-level dereferencing using $ compared to using [set]

In Tcl, [set] is used either to assign or to echo a variable's contents

Each level of dereference called for [puts] is the same. $var is equivalent to [set var]

The variable chain runs:  d -> c -> b -> a -> 23

set a 23
set b a
set c b
set d c
puts $$$$d                          # 4 levels of dereference
puts [set $$$d]                     # 4 levels of dereference
puts [set [set $$d]]                # 4 levels of dereference
puts [set [set [set $d]]]           # 4 levels of dereference
puts [set [set [set [set d]]]]      # 4 levels of dereference
Dynamically include data from another file using [return]

The data file returns a list of pairs which can be used by [array set]

# Data file. include_data.tcl
return {
	1 {foo}
	2 {bar}
	3 {baz}
	4 {quux}

# Main file which will include the data file above
puts "Including include_data.tcl"
array set data [source include_data.tcl]
for {set i 1} {<= $i [array size data]} {++ i} {
	puts "$data($i)"
Read up to 100 bytes from a  file referred to in the first script argument - argv(1)

The commands are similar to those available in C/C++

[readfile] is also available, which can read via a single command

set fp [file open [unescape $argv(1)]]
set r [file gets $fp s 100]
puts "s is '$s"
file close $fp
Call nested levels of [expr] including Tcl commands
puts [expr [<< [expr 20+3] [expr 2^4] 32] - 472]
puts [expr 1*[<< 1 1]*3/4.0*5]
Call math functions directly using [funct]

Note that these are exported [expr] functions, not commands. They are exported via [funct]

puts [funct log10 2]
puts [funct round $pi 2]
puts [funct rnd 1 10]
puts [* [funct atan 1] 4]
Loop until the user presses the ESC key

[inkey] checks if a keystroke is available, if so, the key code is returned

puts "Press ESC to halt"
while {1} {
	puts "Looping"
	sleep 1000
	if {== [inkey] 27} { 	# ESC is 27
Define a procedure which uses recursion and call it
proc factorial {val} {
	puts "Current level: [info level] - val: $val"
	set lvl [info level]
	if {$lvl == $val} {
		return $val
	return [expr {($val-$lvl) * [factorial $val]}]
puts [factorial 3]
The Ticol [loop] command is simpler and more efficient than [for] or [while]
option expression off
loop i 0 10 1 {
	if {== $i 5} {
		# Skip 5 and increment past 6
		++ i
puts "i is $i"
Show RPN representation of an expression in the CLI using [calc] instead of [expr]

Will display: [- [+ [+ [* 4 4] [* 4 4]] 4] [* 4 4]]

Which is the same as [- [+ [+ 16 16] 4] 16]
Which is the same as: [- [+ 32 4] 16]
Which is the same as  [- 36 16]
Which results in: 20

It is recursively evaluated in the order
[- [+ [+ 16 16] 4] [* 4 4]]
[- [+ 32 4] [* 4 4]]
[- 36 [* 4 4]]
[- 36 16]]

option preprocessor off
puts [explain 4*4+4*4+4-4*4]
Define an 'at exit' command

The defined procedure will print "* Bye *" when a script exits
Note that there shoiuld be a space between ! and [defined]

if { !  [defined at_exit] } {
	proc at_exit {} {
		textcolor yellow
		puts "* Bye *"
Run obfuscated Tcl code within a Tcl script using the TCX plugin (hello world script)

ticol.exe filename.tcl /c /64 is used to generate the code which will be saved as a *.t64 file. These files may also be read in using [readfile] and then executed using the TCX module

# Uses default encryption
# Encode using ticol.exe filename.tcl /c and base64.exe filename.tcx
set code "ibuhXiuUJYyD6Uubn7G4L/wRkK/BtOkaHi5IFuULSaPU/3YskM139
# Load the plugin
lib ticol_tcx
# Execute the code (call [eval] internally)
tcx run $code 
# Unload the plugin
lib ticol_tcx -unload
Unwrap a multi-level list

Will return:

title   Empire Burlesque
artist  Bob Dylan
Company Columbia
Price   10.90
year    1985
set l "{catlog {cd {{title {Empire Burlesque}} {artist {Bob Dylan}} \
	  {Company Columbia} {Price 10.90} {year 1985} }}}"

proc unwrap_as_text {l} {
	global foo::s            # Avoid clashes with root a namespace var
	foreach x $l {
		if {> [ldepth $l] 2} {
			unwrap_as_text $x
		} else {
			append ::foo::s "$x\t"
	if {<= [ldepth $l] 2} {
		set ::foo::s [string trim $::foo::s "\t "]
		append ::foo::s "\r\n"
unwrap_as_text $l
textcolor cyan
puts $foo::s
You can use the dreaded goto if confined within a special [goto_block]

There is nothing wrong with using a goto in the right place

option expression off
set s 0
goto_block {
   start {				# Loop start
      ++ s				# Increment
      if {> $s 9} {			# Test
         goto end			# Exit
      goto start			# Loop end
   end {
      textcolor magenta
      puts "Puts exited OK at label: end"
Read in a web page and split off the HTML tags
Prints out.. e.g.

<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#C0C0C0" link="#00FFFF">
option expression off
lib ticol_html

set s [http http://localhost:8800]
do {
	set t [html chomp_tag s]
	puts $t
} while {ne $t ""}
Read the registry to get a file association

For me, this returns:

Filetype ".tcl" opens with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "%1"

lib ticol_reg
set ext .tcl
# Read the type name
set type [registry get HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\$ext {}]
# Work out where to look for the command
set path HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\$type\\Shell\\Open\\command
# Read the command
set command [registry get $path {}]
puts "Filetype \"$ext\" opens with $command"
Use the [md5] command  to generate random numbers
set seed $pi					# Could instead use [clock]
set counter 0					# Global/static counter 
option expression on				# Use [expr] for flow-control

proc hashrnd {lo hi} {				# Hash-generated random number
        upvar seed				# Not recursive. No level given
        upvar counter
        incr counter
        set r [md5 [+ $counter $seed]]		# Get an MD5 value
        set q "0x"				# Literal 0x prefix
        append q [mids r [% $counter 24] 8] 	# Slice a section of the MD5
        return [expr "$q % (($hi-$lo)+1)+$lo"]	# Evaluate as hexadecimal
option expression on
for {set i 0} { $i < 10000} {incr i} {
	puts "hashrnd 10..10000:\t[hashrnd 10 10000]"
Colourised fractal image generator, ported from very old MBASIC source. Can optionally print out in original numeric text format


The orange colouration is a custom colour set for darkyellow which can be set by Ticol (see console_orange.bat)

We use [calc] for maximum performance. This is a macro-stage optimising form of [expr] which will expand expresisions into inline Tcl prior to runtime and simplify arguments where possible

e.g.  set t [calc ($a*$a)-($b*$b)+$ca]   becomes
set t [+ [- [* $a $a] [* $b $b]] $ca]

option expression off
const print_numbers $false        # Set to $true to print numbers in BASIC style

for {set y -12} {<= $y 12} {++ y} {
   set print_space $true
   puts "  " -nonewline
   for {set x -39} {<= $x 39} {++ x} {
      set ca [* $x 0.0458]
      set cb [* $y 0.08333]
      set a $ca
      set b $cb
      for {set i 0} {<= $i 15} {++ i} {
         set t [calc ($a*$a)-($b*$b)+$ca]
         set b [calc (2*$a*$b)+$cb]
         set a $t
         if {> [calc ($a*$a)+($b*$b)] 4} { 
            if {> $i 9} {
               += i 7
            textcolor [+ [% $i 7] 1]
            if {$print_numbers} {
               puts [chr [+ 48 $i]] -nonewline
            } else {
               puts [chr 0xdb] -nonewline
            set print_space $false
      if {$print_space} {puts " " -nonewline}
      set print_space $true
A Brainfuck interpreter in Ticol Tcl based on Petter Wahlman's C++ source and which is capable of running simple/short BF scripts

Brainfuck is inefficient and performs a huge number of iterations on anything much larger than "Hello world"

This script defines a proc [array_to_string_asc] to convert the byte-array back to ASCII text

Makes use of enhanced [store] command as well as single-character [index]

Note that "[" and "]" must be stored in 'escaped' form within the Tcl string and the routine called using [unescape]. [switch] will compare using the -exact (default) option

Note the byte-width cropping for [++] and [--] when incrementing the tape contents. This is to keep the value within 0..255 ASCII range

Text-input for "," requires improvement

For full performance, Brainfuck would be need to be implemented as a plugin DLL

The same code, compiled in C++ as bf.exe is available for speed-comparison

option expression off

proc array_to_string_asc {arr} {
	# Convert an integer byte-array to ASCII string
	upvar $arr a
	for {set i 0} {< $i [array size a]} {++ i} {
		store add [chr $a($i)]
	return [store get]

const MAX_NESTING 	100
const MAX_TAPE		6000			# Size of the processing arena
const MAX_LOOPS		100000			# Infinite loop protection

proc bf {prog} {
   set prog_len [string length $prog]

   if {$prog_len} {
      set output_len 0
      dim tape $::MAX_TAPE
      for {set i 0} {< $i $::MAX_TAPE} {++ i} {
            set tape($i) 0
      set edi 0
      set eip 0
      set loop_protection $::MAX_LOOPS
      set depth 0
      set state 0
      dim loopstart 100
      set loopstart(0) 0
      set result(0) ""
      set count 0

      while {&& [< $eip $prog_len] [-- loop_protection]} {

         if {strchr [unescape "<>+-.,[]"] [index $prog $eip]} {
            ++ count
            switch [index $prog $eip] {

               "<" {                        # <	[chr 60] - decrement the data pointer
                  if {$edi} {
                     -- edi

               ">"                         # > [chr 62]  - Increment the data pointer
                  if {< $edi $::MAX_TAPE} {
                     ++ edi

               "+" {                        # + [chr 43]
                  ++ tape($edi)  -width 8

               "-" {                        # - [chr 45]
                  -- tape($edi) -width 8

               "." {                        # "." [chr 46] - output the byte at the data pointer
                  set result($output_len) $tape($edi)
                  ++ output_len

               "," {                        # "," [chr 44] - Accept one byte of input
                  set tape($edi) [getkey]

               "[" {                        # "[" [chr 91]
                  set state 1
                  if {== $tape($edi) 0} {
                     while {&& [!= $state 0] [< [++ eip] $prog_len]} {
                        if {eq [index $prog $eip] "]"} {
                           -- state
                        } elseif {eq [index $prog $eip] "["} {
                           ++ state
                  } elseif {< $depth $::MAX_NESTING} {
                     set loopstart([++ depth]) $eip

               "]" {                        # "]" [chr 93]
                  if {!= $depth 0} {
                     if {== $tape($edi) 0} {
                        -- depth
                     } else {
                        set eip $loopstart($depth)

         ++ eip

   if {<= $loop_protection 0} {
      puts "Error: Infinite loop detected"
   return [array_to_string_asc result]
set s "
+++++ +++++		Iinitialise counter (c0) to 10
    > +++++ ++		Add  7 to cell #1
    > +++++ +++++	Add 10 to cell #2 
    > +++		Add  3 to cell #3
    > +			Add  1 to cell #4
    <<<< -		Decrement counter (cell #0)
> ++ .			Print 'H'
> + .			Print 'e'
+++++ ++ .		Print 'l'
.			Print 'l'
+++ .			Print 'o'
> ++ .			Print ' '
<< +++++ +++++ +++++ .  Print 'W'
> .			Print 'o'
+++ 			Print 'r'
----- - .		Print 'l'
----- --- .		Print 'd'
> + .			Print '!'
> .			Print '

puts [bf [unescape $s]]
Maze generator ported from classic BASIC

red-maze.png (2657 bytes)

option expression off
proc maze {width height {char "²"}} {
   dim maze [* $width $height]
   loop x 0 $width 1 {
      loop y 0 $height 1 {
         set maze($x,$y) " "

   set currentx [int [* [funct rand] [- $width 1]]]
   set currenty [int [* [funct rand] [- $height 1]]]

   if {= [% $currentx 2] 0} {++ currentx}
   if {= [% $currenty 2] 0} {++ currenty}

   set maze($currentx,$currenty) $char

   set done 0
   set loops [* [* $width $height] 20]

   while {! $done} {
      loop i 0 $loops {
         set oldx $currentx
         set oldy $currenty
         set j [rnd 0 3]
         if {== $j 0} {
            if {< [+ $currentx 2] $width} {++ currentx 2}
         } elseif {== $j 1} {
            if {< [+ $currenty 2] $height} {++ currenty 2}
         } elseif {== $j 2} {
            if {> [- $currentx 2] 0} {-- currentx 2}
         } elseif {== $j 3} {
            if {> [- $currenty 2] 0} {-- currenty 2}
         if {eq $maze($currentx,$currenty) " "} {
            set maze($currentx,$currenty) $char
            set maze([/ [+ $currentx $oldx] 2],[/ [+ $currenty $oldy] 2]) $char
      set done 1
   loop y 0 $height {
      loop x 0 $width {
         puts $maze($x,$y) -nonewline

maze 40 30 *
Windows service control query using ticol_calldll plugin

This shows struct, const and enum declaration as well as the use of a base struct as a typdef using [new]



* "Distributed Link Tracking Client" Running? true 
* "No Such Service FooBar" Running? false
* "Themes" Running? true


option escape on

lib ticol_calldll -nocomplain

struct type_service_status {			# Can  be used as a typedef with [new]
	{dwServiceType 4}
	{dwCurrentState 4}
	{dwControlsAccepted 4}
	{dwWin32ExitCode 4}
	{dwServiceSpecificExitCode 4}
	{dwCheckPoint 4}
	{dwWaitHint 4}

enum {


struct service_status {
	{dwServiceType 4}
	{dwCurrentState 4}
	{dwControlsAccepted 4}
	{dwWin32ExitCode 4}
	{dwServiceSpecificExitCode 4}
	{dwCheckPoint 4}
	{dwWaitHint 4}

if {! [defined is_service_running]} {
	proc is_service_running {service_name} {
		# Query a service by name
		# [in]		Registered service name 
		#		Note: Not the descriptive name
		# [return]	Boolean status value
		option expression push on
		upvar true
		upvar false
		set r $false
		new ::type_service_status ss
		set scm_handle [calldll Advapi32 OpenSCManagerA [info hostname] 0 $::SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE]
		if {$scm_handle > 0} {
			set sc_handle [calldll Advapi32 OpenServiceA $scm_handle $service_name $::SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE]
			if {$sc_handle > 0} {
				set r [calldll Advapi32 QueryServiceStatus $sc_handle ss]
				calldll Advapi32 CloseServiceHandle $sc_handle
				if {[ofaddressb ss.dwCurrentState] == $::SERVICE_RUNNING} {
					set r $true
			calldll Advapi32 CloseServiceHandle $scm_handle
		option expression pop
		return $r

textcolor white darkmagenta
puts " * "Distributed Link Tracking Client" Running? [bool [is_service_running {trkwks}]]"
puts " * "No Such Service FooBar" Running? [bool [is_service_running {FooBar}]]"
puts " * "Themes" Running? [bool [is_service_running {Themes}]]" -nonewline
A CGI POST Example which is driven from the following HTML code

<!- Web form -->
<html><head><title>Test Form</title></head>
<body><pre><form name="A" method="POST" action="/cgi-bin/ticol.exe?cgi_post.tcl"
enctype="multipart/form-data" encoding="multipart/form-data"><p>
Enter your name: <input type="text" name="name" size="30"><p>
Enter some text: <input type="text" name="text" size="40"><p>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="button1">&nbsp;
<input type="reset" value="Reset" name="button2"><p>

option expression off
puts "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"     # Be sure to send this first
lib ticol_cgi -nocomplain
set s [cgi]                                               # Call to set $_POST
if {> $s 0} {                                             # Test for -ve error return
   puts "<font color="blue"><strong>"
   array foreach _POST val subscript {
      puts "<br>Result $_POST($subscript)='$val'<br>"
   puts "</strong></font>"
Display an ANSI Art File
lib ticol_ansi

set s [readfile art.ans]
ansi $s -fix

lib ticol_ansi -unload
Towers of Hanoi in Tcl

A more extensive example. Being highly-iterative, this is vastly slower than the identical, compiled C++ hanoi.exe example available here for comparison

This runs in about 4 seconds for 17 rings on an old-generation i5 with several other items multi-tasking

The compiled C+ exe version of the same code takes 68ms for 17 rings. Any iterative intensive code which runs outside of a Ticol native command will run a couple of orders of magnitude slower than compiled code. Since DLL plugins are quite easy to produce with the quickest time to create a plugin being about 20 minutes, I would move any frequently used or computationally-intensive code into a separate plugin command

option expression off
set n 0
set yloc 1
if {! [defined draw_status]} {
	proc draw_status {} {
		upvar yloc
		gotoxy 1 $yloc 
		upvar a 
		upvar b
		upvar c
		upvar n 
		upvar moves
		upvar x
		textcolor white
		puts "Towers of Hanoi ($n) - Pole Status ([comma $x] moves)\n"
		textcolor red
		printf "Pole A(%2i) %-67s\r\n" [stack count a] [stack list a]
		textcolor yellow
		printf "Pole B(%2i) %-67s\r\n" [stack count b] [stack list b]
		textcolor green
		printf "Pole C(%2i) %-67s\r\n" [stack count c] [stack list c]

textcolor white blue
puts "  Towers of Hanoi  "

if {[< $argc 2]} {
	puts "How many rings (2..25)? " -nonewline
	gets stdin n
	if {|| [== $n ""] [== $n 0]} {stop}
} else {
	set n $argv(1)
set n [min $n 25]

stack create a $n			# Init 3 stacks to given size
stack create b $n
stack create c $n

for {set x 0} {[< $x $n ]} {++ x} {	# Create initial stack of hoops
	stack push a [+ $x 1]		# 0..n-1

set x 1
set shln [<< 1 $n]			# Precalc (1 << $n), << for n


set start_secs [clock seconds]
set start [timer]
while {< $x $shln} {
	set xminus1 [- $x 1]
	stack push [chr [calc ((($x|$xminus1) + 1) % 3 )] 97] \
		[stack pop [chr [calc ($x & $xminus1) % 3] 97]]
	is_mod $x 50000 draw_status
	++ x
set end [timer]
set end_secs [clock seconds]

puts "Took [- $end $start] millisecond(s) and [comma $x] move(s)"
puts "Took [- $end_secs $start_secs] second(s) and [comma $x] move(s)"
puts "Done."

stack unset a
stack unset b
stack unset c
A TicASM (pseudo-assembler) script to print out 4 lines

Loop: 1
Loop: 2
Loop: 3
Loop: 4
lib ticol_asm		# Load the interpreter plugin
asm {
	org 100h		; Example only, not required
				; as we won't JMP < 0x100
	msg:			; Declare a variable/label
	buf:			; Declare a variable/label
	db ? ""			; Ensure AX is not printable on return
	mov msg, edp		; msg points to this string (EDP)
	db ? "Loop: "		; Define a string (6 bytes+null)
	mov buf, edp		; buf points to EDP
	db 21, 0		; 21 byte buffer to store number
	mov ax, 4		; Initialise AX
	mov bx, 0		; Initialise BX to counter
L1:				; Declare a label
	push ax			; Save AX
	mov ax, msg		; Point AX to our message
	call 9			; Print string
	inc bx			; Increment BX
	mov [buf], bx		; Store BX value in our buffer
	mov ax, buf		; Point AX to our printable buffer
	call 9			; Call print address at AX
	mov ax, 10		; CR (newline)
	call 2			; Call print char
	pop ax			; Restore AX
	dec ax			; Decrement AX
	jnz L1			; If not zero then loop L1
	xor ax, ax		; Clear AX
	end			; Finish
lib ticol_asm -unload     # Unload the interpreter plugin

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Last updated on 04 March 2021 - This page is designed for 1024 x760 and higher resolution displays